Weller Special Reserve is made of corn, wheat, limestone, water, trees, fire and Kentucky

The Story
Weller Special Reserve is made of corn, wheat, limestone, water, trees, fire and Kentucky. A sort of family table bourbon, special and rare enough to share with pride, but not so rare that you fear you might never taste it again. So Important.
To many, it needs no introduction. Find it and drink it with Grandpappy, Mimi, Captain Bob, brother, sister, half sister, and second cousins once removed. Or...hell, drink it at night alone.
Guests will appreciate something their local store keeps behind the counter. In secondary you should only pay like 40 to 50 bucks for this bottle. Retail is less than that. It’s harder to find in some areas of the country then others. For example, you can find it on the shelf in Cleveland. In Cincinnati and Kentucky it can be a little harder to spot. If you need a steady supply, join a bourbon group on Facebook and trade quality stuff that is easy to find around for SP, the most available Weller.
You can taste the Pappy line in this bourbon, which is to say...it’s a wheat forward bourbon and made at the same distillery. Like a really good Italian table wine, you find yourself drinking up and thinking, “How could I want anything more then this?” Knowing the tap is endless, drink your fill.
On Friday night, enjoy some Weller time. Repeat as needed.
Score: 201 out of 379 Kentucky Miles (A good but not special bourbon)

Weller Special Reserve Photo Gallery