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  • Writer's pictureRiel David

Elijah Craig Single Barrel 18 Year Review

Updated: Apr 11, 2021

One of the oldest annually released bourbons from any major distiller, EC 18yr makes its mark in 2020.

Tasting Notes

Nose: Apple, salted caramel, and oak are dominate. Notes are distinct and robust. Very surprised by the nose of this bottle. A fantastic overall experience.

Palate: Up front there's sweet oak, a little leather, and tobacco. The mid palate is full of caramel, dark cherries, and candied sour apple. A true show stopper all the way around.

Finish: This bourbon coats your mouth with a warm dark fruit sweetness. The mouth feel is smooth and creamy as it goes down. A little dry oak and black pepper rounds things out.

Final Thoughts

It's important to remember that any single barrel bottle of whiskey is essentially a role of the dice. Sometimes you get a single barrel that's truly amazing and sometimes you get a real dud. Well, I hit the lottery my friends.

Bottled in December of 2019 from barrel 4873, this particular bottle of Elijah Craig 18 year is one of the best bourbon's I've had in recent memory. I've read multiple reviews over the years from reviewers I trust that have not had much luck with this 18-year-old expression from Heaven Hill. But that makes sense considering it's a single barrel, you never know what you're gonna get until you open the bottle.

My experience with this bottle of Elijah Craig 18 Year has been amazing. It stands out as one of the best overall bourbon experiences I've had. If you are lucky enough to find bottle from barrel 4873, grab it and run. It's well worth the $130 to bring it home and be reminded of what truly great bourbon is all about.

Final Score: 370 out of 379 Kentucky Miles (Exceptional bourbon)

"Sometimes you get a single barrel that's truly amazing and sometimes you get a real dud. Well, I hit the lottery my friends."

Elijah Craig Single Barrel 18 Year Photo Gallery



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