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  • Axe Winters

1792 Small Batch Review

Updated: Nov 27, 2020

A reflective moment with a great companion.

The Story

It was April 2020, 11 pm, Kentucky. My state and country dealing with the first wave of the pandemic. I was quarantined at home. Schools were shut down, rumors of food shortages and travel restrictions flooded Facebook. I hadn’t left my house for days, and work was nuts. I flipped my schedule, taking care of the kids during the day, and working at night. Everything would be ok, as long as the liquor stores didn’t close and the bourbon didn’t run out.

At the liquor store, I purchased a bottle of 1792 Small Batch. That tired night, I poured my first glass of 1972 small batch and melted into the faint blue glow of my MacBook. Type, type, type....

We were married that night, me and 1792 Small Batch. We bonded. I loved her availability and that warm inviting first taste. Then consistency with every sip after. All night it was code, bourbon than a pause to process emotions, followed by more bourbon, and then back to work, and finally a weary sleep.

My favorite bourbons put the history of Kentucky in your mouth.

I like that 1972 Small Batch is a little sharp and alcohol forward. Beyond the initial sharpness is a lot of complexity. It pairs well with branching logic and emails. I usually drink it straight.

Score: 192 out of 379 Kentucky Miles (Good stuff)

1792 Small Batch Photo Gallery



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